Character Set

Character Set

StarsAndStripes, StarsAndStripesTwo

(available at and

Fontographer 4 introduced a star tool, and I took up the challenge to see what one could do with it. The No-Hype Type CD probably has the biggest and best collections of stars anywhere.

The star tool in Fontographer constructs basic stars, though one can select the number of points and how deep the indentations are. With some effort one can take those basic stars and use them to make stars which appear to have relief. After one has constructed such stars with various number of points, one can superimpose them in variety of ways for other effects. StarsAndStripes shows some of the possibilities. StarsAndStripesTwo flips them, so that the light and dark interior regions are reversed. Designs of this type were used for decorating the page in the 19th century, but StarsAndStripes has a lot more diversity than was available in the 19th century designs.

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altered but not revised Jan 2008