Amusing Alphabet Mazes

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From the Introduction:

All the mazes in this book share a common theme: the alphabet. There are two reasons that I chose this connecting theme. First, I enjoy letters so much that I have spent thousands of hours as a typographer, a designer of letters. Typography has been more than a hobby but far less than a career or profession. Second, this collection of mazes was fairly easy to do because I had developed many of its specialized maze typefaces for another book, Easy Alphabet Mazes, designed for small children. The potential of the specialized typefaces used in that book could not be realized in very easy mazes, so this follow-up seemed appropriate.

The goal of this book is to provide entertainment for people who enjoy mazes. There is no claim of educational value; any person who can do these mazes has long ago mastered the alphabet. If you are looking for books to help young children learn their letters with the aid of mazes, do consider Easy Alphabet Mazes.

This book has four parts. The first 26 mazes have the shape of a letter of the alphabet and are made up of elements of that letter. They are all fairly easy mazes. The second part, called More Alphabet Mazes, has 35 mazes using other ways to construct mazes from the letters of the alphabet. Most of the mazes in this part use tessellation patterns. In the third part, called Bonus Alphabet Mazes, some patterns that had been used earlier in the book get a second chance. Most of these 19 mazes are more difficult than those earlier in the book. In addition, each of these mazes has a solve-it-twice feature: a second set of entry/exit points are given so each maze has two different solutions. The fourth and final section contains solutions to the mazes in the first three sections. Solutions are shown with all the dead-end passages blocked up, leaving only the correct path.

These mazes were produced using software programs that I developed two decades ago, partly to produce two books of mazes that Dover Publications published, Fascinating Mazes (1994) and Maze Madness (1996). The programs generate a maze as an array of numbers and then convert the numbers into a set of letters, which allows the maze to be displayed with the special maze typefaces that I construct.

I hope you enjoy solving these mazes as much as I have enjoyed designing them. I apologize in advance for any errors that remain in this book.

Robert Schenk February 2012

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