Tessellating Alphabet Mazes for Kids

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From the Introduction:

Patterns formed from tessellations can be used to make intriguing and visually appealing mazes. This book of tessellating mazes is derived from two other books of tessellating mazes, Puzzling Typography and Puzzling Typography A Sequel. Both of these books feature mazes that are fairly difficult and are intended for older children and adults. As its name suggests, the mazes in this book are much simpler than in the Puzzling Typography books.

This is my fifth book of mazes using letters as a theme. Easy Alphabet Mazes contains very simple mazes and is intended for very young children. This book, Tessellating Alphabet Mazes for Kids, has slightly more difficult mazes and should be suitable for children in the early primary grades. The mazes in Amusing Alphabet Mazes are more difficult, but overall are not as difficult as those in Puzzling Typography and Puzzling Typography A Sequel.

All the letters of the alphabet are included in this book, but some letters get many more pages than others. Letters K, R, and O have only one page each because they are difficult to tessellate. The letter L can be tessellated in many ways and the number of pages devoted to it reflects that reality.

The tessellation patterns in this book are of upper-case letters. Lower-case letters also tessellate and some of their possible shapes can be seen in the typeface used for this Introduction. The typeface is called Tescellations and it is composed entirely of letter shapes that tessellate.

I hope children enjoy working the mazes in this book as much as I enjoyed creating them. I apologize for any errors that remain.

Robert Schenk
October 2012

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