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Government and Efficiency

Exchange and Politics

Can economics ideas make the jump from exchange to the political world?

Majority Rule and Economic Efficiency

Gordon Tullock, one of the founders of the public-choice branch of economics, examines government spending from the point of view of public-choice theory in this entry in The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics:

Tyler Cowen, who is one of the economists behind the excellent blog, explains the implications of public goods and externalities in The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics:

Public and Private Interest

Richard L. Stroup, who is a co-author of an economics textbook, writes about political behavior in the last of our entries from The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics:

The Politics of Taxation

Greg Mankiw makes a reference to tax incidence in this blog entry. See if you can figure out what he is arguing:

Efficiency of an Excise Tax (I)

Frank Levy uses interactive graphs to explain the consequences of a simple tax:

Efficiency of an Excise Tax (II)

This site has the complete analysis of an excise tax in a competitive market:

Government Redistribution

Joel Slemrod of the University of Michigan explains the purpose and effects of progressive taxation, one of the ways government attempts to redistribute income:

Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institution looks at poverty in the U.S. and the government attempts to reduce it:

Government Redistribution II

Dwight Lee takes a skeptical look at attempts of the government to reduce income disparities in the U.S. in yet another entry from The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics:

Rent Seeking

Gordon Tullock, one of the founders of the public-choice school of economics, explains rent-seeking: 

These links were checked on July 5, 2008.

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Copyright Robert Schenk