The following are some of the comments about CyberEconomics which have come to me via various e-mail messages. I found them interesting, but you may not.
R Schenk
Thanks a lot!
I'm a public administration grad student at Michigan State University
suffering through a public finance class that is more microeconomics
and calculus than public finance. Your site is much clearer than my
professor's lectures and complements my notes nicely.
Thank you.
Your electronic book is great!! VERY easy to understand. Better
than CLIFF notes!!
(I'm a MBA Student presently in Managerial Econ.)
Websites like yours make the web worthwhile. Thank you for going
through all the work to publish your 'landscape' on economic
I just came across CyberEconomics via Alta Vista (I was looking
for "efficiency frontier"). It's a terrific site and very useful to
guys like me who took some econ back just after the Franco-Prussian
War and haven't learned much since.
Dear Prof.Schenk,
I am an accounting major at the University of Southern Maine. I was
overjoyed to stumble upon your Website. I just wanted to let you know
I found it, surprisingly, both informative AND interesting! A
combination I had yet to find in my entire study of Microeconomics to
Thank you for this,
Stumbled across your web page yesterday, while trying to understand all the different variations on the Phillips Curve in my Macro course at GA State. Your web pages have been extremely helpful. Just wanted to say thanks. Adam
Thank you for the quick reply. I just finished spending a
considerable amount of time at your "Cyber-Economics" site. This is
probably the best economics site on the web I have seen. A lot of
good informatin is available in an easy to understand format.
Thanks again.
I just thought I'd drop you a line to tell you how much I
appreciateyour informative website. I am currently earning my MBA
degree from Wake Forest University and have used your site numerous
times as a supplement to my economic studies. I have also forwarded
your address to many of my classmates.
Thanks again for all of your hard work!
Hi! I just e-mailing to tell you that your economics pages are
brilliant and very informative.
Thank You
Hi Robert,
I happen to stumble upon your web site. I think that it is a
fantastic site. I really appreciate all the work you have done for
Hello, Dr. Schenk. I wanted to let you know how useful and enjoyable I have found your on-line introduction to the basic principles of economics.
Not only do I find your explanations and discussions clear and
easy to follow, I also find the design of your web pages unintrusive
and easy to navigate. The color schemes, layout, and navigation
buttons all contribute to putting the subject matter first and the
HTML iteself quietly in the background.
Dr. Andrews
Professor Schenk,
I am not an economics teacher, but do have to touch on some of the
basics in my (continuing education) overview course on business
I have spent a great amount of time finding, reading, and re-reading economics texts to support that aspect of my lectures.
Your web course is nothing less than superb. I find your explanations and graphics very clear and practical.
I don't know exactly how I stumbled upon the site, but I am
thankful that I did.
Congratulations on a job well done.
I am writing to thank you for posting your very lucid discussion
of economic efficiency. I teach a class in environmental regulation
and it is essential to convey what economic efficiency is, yet
difficult in a class in which discussion of economic theory is
limited and no special knowledge is assumed.
Best regards,
Prof. Roth
I love your website. The tests are very helpful and you are very
clear in your text.
Teresa , Academic Counselor
I'm enjoying your "book" immensely; many thanks for putting it on the web!
I'm a non-econ person with an interest in economics, and the level
is just right.
I am taking a distance learning graduate economics course. I took economics long ago at a junior college at a time when I was learning to pass the test, not learning for knowledge, so I don't remember much of the course.
I was doing OK with the Economics course until I got to the ISLM chapters. In searching the Internet for help, I came across your course. I read the whole thing and think it's GREAT! I'm quite sure that, when I take my final Wednesday, I'll be using some of the things that finally sunk in when I read them in your course. The parts that I think you explained very clearly were comparative and absolute advantage, ISLM integration, and the policy lags (recognition, decision, action, and take-effect). I plan to use this last piece, particularly, in my final. From seeing past finals for this course,
I'm pretty sure a questions about various macroeconomic goals, tools, and problems with their use will appear - after reading your course I feel I have great material to use!
Thanks for all your hard work on this page. It's definitely made a
difference in my performance.
Management Information Systems Planner
basically, just wanted to mimic what everyone else has already stated, but i'm a high school senior about to take my AP exam, and your website was a godsend for a quick review. It was informative and excellent! Thanks again!
I have looked through your material as I am preparing for my comprehensive exams. I just want to say thank you for putting in the time and having the foresight to put your web pages together. I find them clear, relevant and useful--thus far finer than most things available on the web.
Again, thanks again for your efforts and this work is making a
positive contribution.
Mike S.
Dear Prof. Schenk,
What can i say?Your Cyber Economics is so wonderful and informative!! I have spent the whole night in finding other websites like yours, but i couldn't! I believe your economics interactive learning website is the best of all.
I'm a economics major student but i have never studied AL-level economics before.Do you know you have helped me a lot?Your text is easily to be understood....i have never thought that i can find such a website on the internet. You've made the net more meaningful and worthwhile!
Thank you!
Ada, The University of Hong Kong
I'm a french student , in an engineering school, I learn english
in the economic section, and I had to choose a topic for my next work
in class,your site really helped me , I found it great. I had a lot
of things to do this morning and however I've just realized I've
spent 2 hours reading your pages. Thanks for all,
farida , a french student.
I would like to thank you for publishing your text on the internet. It has been tremendously helpful in both my Micro and Macroeconomics classes---I used it more often than the text that was assigned. I wish all college texts were so easily understood. Again, thank you. Keep up the good work.
Medgar Evers College, New York
I just wanted to let you know that I linked to your site. You are
an amazing "well of information" and I truly enjoy the easy way you
explain relatively "dry" matters to a moron like me ...
Regards, Egbert S
I just received your CD-ROM in the mail and wanted to drop you a
quick note to thank you for the prompt delivery. Oh, and congratulate
you on your fine work, of course; I liked your website very much but
the CD is so much handier. Keep up the good work!
Greetings, Claudia
Dear Professor Schenk,
I am sorry to intrude on your busy schedule, but I find myself
needing to thank you. I am a Illinois State University. I am in
the middle of studying for an upcoming test in Human resource
economics. I was having much trouble, and turned to the internet for
some further reading and information. I came across your page with
numerous topics on economics. I wanted to take this time to thank you
for your help.
Karen, a grateful student
Dear Robert,
I'm studying full time for the MBA at Durham University Business
School (NE of England UK ) and I felt I really should a few minutes
out to thank you for the marvellous resource you have provided via
the web site. I find your style of writing very enjoyable, clear,
comprehensive and illuminating. I'm sure you must be a wonderful
teacher :-) and I'll take great pleasure in citing you in my
We are very fortunate in that we also have a superb teacher of economics (also head of the Dept) who makes our lessons a delight and is my inspiration for the many hours that I take to search out more on the subject.
I'll pass on details of your site, which I found through " " to my fellow students - our foundation assignment is due in the next two weeks, I'm sure they will welcome your knowledge.
Yours sincerely
Chris T
PS a reply is not expected
Thank you for putting your economics text on-line. I am pursuing a BS degree in Tech Operations Mgt at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and I am also on active duty in the US Navy. I appreciate your efforts and wish you well.
Merry Christmas,
Jon D
As Elvis would say . . . Thank you, Thank you very much
I just wanted to thank you for putting the economics material on-line. I have found it to be a useful supplement to my text (and much clearer). I appreciate the time and effort you have put into writing and posting this material.
Martha R, Ph.D.
(My doctorate is in chemistry, I'm currently working on my MBA.)
Thank you,
I just finished cramming for my exam (Dday is in exactly 4 hours) and although I might send you a nasty email in 7 hours (the exam is 3 hours), right now you are my savior. Without your web site not only would I still be completely lost in the concepts of microeconomics, but my "last-night-before-the-execution" study technique would go unrewarded. Let's just hope the teacher didn't follow suit and elaborate the exam at 3 in the morning with as much coffee as I drank in his system...
There is one sign that I'm overly tired though... I laughed at all the little jokes on your site (including the new grading system)...
So again thank you, you might have saved this french-canadian last year computer engineering student's hide.
Philippe T
I am not a student, but I am trying to learn what I can about
economics by myself. I am just writing to thank you for your web site
and the effort that went into it.
Shaun A
I'm a mother of two children and an active duty Air Force member. I've earned an Associates Degree in Financial Management and am working towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Management at St. Leo University. I'm also working towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Operations with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Needless to say, I have virtually no free time. I can't thank you enough for creating this website! My time with my family is gold. The information you provided not only helped me with my class but also allowed me to spend more time with my family. THANK YOU!
I am a part-time Master of Science in Economics student of the
Murray State University Hong Kong program. I want to find some good
Economics stuff in the Web and I find your site. I've read the
Macroeconomics part. I think the materials are excellent. Thank you
for writing such good materials in Introductory Economics and making
it available to everyone.
Jimmy T
Your Buddy
I went thru your tutorial on economics on and don't
find words how much thankful I feel for it. It has been more than 7-8
years that I started developing interest to learn and know about the
economic and the jargons that I used to come across every now and
then in the news and newspapers. My main discipline of studies has
been Computers and due to my busy work schedule I could not have gone
to school at this stage either. Thanks to your such a nice tutorial,
it explains lots of fundamentals and several questions that I
Sameer K
Just a quick e-mail to voice my appreciation for your web-site. It's been useful while I've been doing Economics coursework.
very informative
helped my studies alot
Your website presentation on interactive learning on Economics is
very clear and easy to follow. Somehow I wish my ex - professors on
economics will present the materials as clear as yours.
Sincerely, Larry M
I would like to convey my thanks for the use of this page. In my
days at high school we did not study economics,though I studied
Prehistory at Edinburgh University and prehistory is all about
availability of materials.It is nice now to catch up on the theory.
Thank you!
I can only imagine the time, effort and sacrifice it took to put
this project on line. Thank you for your incredible generousity.
Julie V
middle aged, undergrad, night school student
Just wanted to send you a quick thank you for putting a great
content-heavy ebook on the web.
Nathan C
I'm an italian graduate in Political Sciences at the University of Messina. I would like to thank you for giving me the chance to compare my economics skills by reading (without spending a penny!) a text wich is, by its simplicity and essenciality, far different from those on wich italian students prepare their economics exams. I' m using your text to prepare for a job in the public administration and I'm finding it really great!
Best regards,
Marcello A
Your website is a lifesaver... thanks ever so much for it. Its
very comprehensive and very clear in its explanations. Thanks
A very happy student....
Anirban M
As I'm studying Macroeconomic (distance learning program) at the
moment, I'd like to thank you for the very well done web site: I
found it very useful for my studies and as well I appreciate the fact
that it's for free....
Thank you again,
Greta M
What a wonderful website! Thank you so much for making this valuable tool available and easy to use.
I am a graduate student of ESL at the University of Texas in San Antonio, and was searching for internet resources for my class next semester (A Content-Based English Language Instruction course - ESL Reading and Intro to Macroeconomics). This is perfect!
Thanks again,
Caren S
I've been browsing your tutorial! Though I have had some college experience, I do not have a degree. By completing on-line tutorials, for free, I have been able to advance in my career in ways I would normally not be able to without a degree. Thank you.
As a student of the University of Guyana I am indeed pleased to have stumbled across such information.
It has made a significant inpact on my university studies as a student in a third world country in which current information is not redily available at an affordable cost to many of the students.
Many thanka again and I will continue to recommed this site to
friends across the world who may not have access to such great
information on this subject due to their financial situation.
Julian M
Thank you for helping me to gain a better understanding of
I have really enjoyed working through your web site.
You are a very good communicator.
yours sincerely
Kira C
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for the website on Economics. I am trying to study for my final exam (next week) and came across your site. I'm a so-called 'mature student' experiencing my third semester of college, so a lot of the time mgmt. juggling and course balancing can get rather difficult. As much as I really do enjoy Economics, I have never really 'got' a great amount of the concepts until now, in part from reading through your site.
I find your site very helpful with the variety of examples and
just the way it is written. So, thank you very much.
Leslie A
I am a student studying for the College Board CLEP test Principles
of Microeconomics. I am on a greatly restricted budget so I am
attempting to do all of my study for this subject online. After
studying a few other Microecon sites I found that they were either
too technical or too simple. I then came across your economics site.
In my reading so far I have been able to fill in a lot of the gaps in
my study, and I am able to understand most concepts because of your
plain yet precise explanations. I would like to thank you for
publishing this materiel and let you know that I will recommend it to
all other students I know who are studying economics.
Caleb D
Minneapolis, MN
Thanks for the information you posted about Economics (at I have used it to prepare for a midterm exam. It was very helpful. I'm taking an International Business Operations course towards my MBA and my professors is heavy duty on Economics.
Thanks again ...
Ralph B
Im a grade 12 high school student living in Toronto, Canada and
your Economics online teaching course has been so usefull to me. I no
longer had to register for an outside school learning program since I
learned most of what there is to know about the Economics
undergraduate unit in your website. Next fall I will be attending
Shulich School of Business here in Toronto where I will persue my
iMBA, and hope to read more of you amazing and helpful work.
I would like to thank you for making available the micro/macro economic website. It has helped me independently study and pass 2 CLEP exams. I can not thank you enough.
Hello, my name is Jennifer and I'm taking an introductory microeconomics course. I'm currently studying for finals and because I am completely lost in some areas, I decided to look online for supplementary materials. I wandered onto your web page and it has been really helpful. I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you created it. :)
Thanks Again, Jen